Dear Elle Returns: There’s Nothing Casual About Feelings
Q: Dear Elle: what is casual dating? — Casual Curious A: Dear Casual Curious, First off, thank you for your question, and congratulations on being the first of many to…
The independent student newspaper of Franklin & Marshall College
Q: Dear Elle: what is casual dating? — Casual Curious A: Dear Casual Curious, First off, thank you for your question, and congratulations on being the first of many to…
By Diana Lichtenstein || Onion Dip Columnist I don’t know if it’s the weather, Covid making people crazy, or general boredom…but something very strange has been going on recently. Pairings…
By Diana Lichtenstein || Onion Dip Columnist Who is a “townie” exactly? Well, Urban Dictionary defines a townie as, “a person living in the community who does not attend or…