There is a line between free speech and hate speech. When exercising the right to speak up for one’s beliefs, I believe we must do so respectfully of one’s identity and humanity. However, recent events at Franklin and Marshall College demonstrate that such decorum has not occurred.

On September 24, 2024, a petition titled “F&M Against Hate Speech” was posted on by a user named “S B,” and became widespread on social media within the student community. As of September 30, 2024, the petition has 450 signatures, and this number keeps going up, with the next goal being 500. The petition called for the end of hate speech on F&M’s campus, specifically in response to the recent Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) speakers. In the petition’s description, two YAF speakers were mentioned: one was Paula Scanlan, a speaker on this campus this past spring semester, Spring 2024, who held a panel on transgender individuals in sports. The other speaker, Vince Evertt Ellison, who spoke on F&M’s campus on September 24, 2024, claimed, amongst other things, that white privilege is a myth. The petition was posted the same night Ellison gave his speech, as the description followed what was said during this presentation. It is important to note that the YAF sponsors’ presentations are open to the entire student body, so this description includes an individual’s observation and recollection of what was said. 

All information about this past speaker summarizes the description under the petition above. S.B. wrote that the speaker who was here this past week claimed that white privilege was invented by “supposed rich black liberals.” Ellison also argued that slavery was a choice made by black people and outright advocated for violence against people who disagreed with him politically, saying that he would threaten to shoot people who crossed him with his 38, referencing a gun. He continued to describe a gory and unruly description of hanging liberals, and there is no other way I could say this except to just quote it, “Tearing out their entrails until they die and rolling their heads through the streets.” Additionally, he believes that the only way to promote change is to do so through violence and claimed Martin Luther King Jr. was a liar and that the peaceful discussion and discourse King promoted had no place in politics. In terms of individuals offering opposing views in a level manner, he called a student “crazy” and another a “coward,” amongst other comments, in an attempt to dismiss and put them down and completely disregard their opinions. 

The description goes on to say that encouraging violence against human rights activists like Martin Luther King is unacceptable and has zero place on this campus. The description also mentions that the purpose of talking about white privilege is to remember, but most importantly, educate about the mistakes and injustices in our system. Additionally, the act of shutting this dialogue down is disrespectful to those impacted by racial and systemic injustices. 

Personally, I agree with the overall message and motive of this petition. Regarding free speech, every human deserves the right to speak up for their beliefs and let their opinions be heard. However, there is a fine line between just sharing your opinion and sharing your opinion that directly affects and correlates with disrespecting, disregarding, and or completely discriminating against somebody’s identity and being. Whether it be in regards to race, gender, sexuality, being able or disabled, and much more, each individual deserves the same amount of respect when it comes to their identity. As the description alludes to, this speaker shows that this is much more than just expressing an opinion that might be more akin to Republican or far-right views. These views inherently attack and dismiss people of color’s right to speak about how they have faced injustice in the system that they are a part of, as well as promoting and inciting brutal violence against those who try to have a civil disagreement. Both Scanlan and Ellison held a complete disregard for human rights and violence with their panels toward college students on their campus, which YAF has sponsored. They do not belong at F&M, and I am fully behind this petition’s calling out to the community to recognize this fact and stand with them. 

In their petition, S.B. also called for a formal apology from YAF. As of September 30, 2024, YAF has not offered an apology or responded to the situation in any way. 

There is also a “Reasons for Signing” section where some individuals who signed the petition included their word on the situation. I wanted to share some of these comments to represent a broader scope of how the F&M community feels about this. These comments and the names attached are entirely public, but regardless, every quote mentioned below I have gotten permission from the writer to include in this article, 

“YAF has crossed a line and is claiming to engage in a dialogue but truly is trying to revert to hateful speech and practices that marginalize communities both interpersonally and systematically.” – Emma Rose Harty

“YAF has gone too far. Last year they invited a transphobic speaker to speak at FandM and now a man who claims white privilege doesn’t exist and that slavery was a choice. Absolute nonsense and disrespectful. The speaker they chose, was not open to discussion and was dismissive to students. By the way, the speaker wrote an article about how MLK’s legacy is invalid. It seems to me that FandM and its community are not checking the people who are coming to campus to ‘educate’ us.” – Michael Masci

“I came to F&M to get an education, not get stupider.” – Noor Jepsen

I am against hate speech at F&M and value human rights on this campus, and I hope you do, too. 

The link below goes directly to the petition. If you support the cause, please sign this and make a change one step at a time.

Junior Gab Neal is the Onion Dip Editor. Her email is

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