Deb Moriarty

Tue, Nov 24, 1:36 PM

As we end the fall term, Lancaster is seeing a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, so it is more essential than ever to be aware of what is happening in the community beyond your F&M-approved apartment.

Some students who live in College-approved, off-campus housing will remain here in Lancaster for part or all of the winter break. If you choose to remain in off-campus housing at any point, you will need to continue to follow the F&M Pledge and COVID-19 guidelines, as well as those set by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which have just become more stringent. Recent changes to the PA COVID-19 guidelines include heightened masking requirements, continued travel mitigation, and increased enforcement by the government.

Under the circumstances, we ask that you be extra-vigilant about safety protocols:

  1. Always wear a mask except when in your own room alone. When sharing a living space with others, masks must be worn in shared spaces, such as your living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
  2. Maintain a minimum of six feet physical distance.
  3. Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands often.

Although the overall number of student cases of COVID-19 on our campus has been relatively low, the majority of cases, particularly since Nov. 1, have been among students living in off-campus apartments. I do understand how challenging it is to observe masking and distancing protocols when you share an apartment, but doing so will help you avoid the virus. We urge you in the strongest terms to continue following all guidelines for your own safety as well as the safety of others around you. And beyond the risk of getting sick, failing to adhere to F&M policies and the F&M Pledge can result in disciplinary action by the College.  

Here are updates, reminders, and resources for your time over winter break in Lancaster:

Other than the Student Wellness Center (SWC) and the Counseling Center, campus is closed during the break and no other services will be available. Hours for the SWC and the Counseling Center are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

The SWC will not conduct asymptomatic COVID-19 testing, but if you are experiencing any symptoms, they will see you during their open hours. 

There are also resources for those seeking help outside of SWC hours. 

Counseling Center: If you need immediate support when the Student Wellness Center is closed, call the main number, 717-544-9051 and you will be connected with an on-call counselor. 

DPS: For life threatening emergencies please call the Department of Public Safety at  717-358-3939 and/or 911. 

The DipCares website provides information on a number of resources that might be helpful during Winter Break. They include services such as: food resources, technology help, emergency/crisis services, etc.

Independent living comes with extra responsibility. Like all other responsible members of the community, you will need to exercise discipline and great care to keep yourself, your friends and campus community, and the greater Lancaster community safe. We have faith in you. Thank you for rising to the occasion and doing your part.

Deb Moriarty, Ph.D.
Interim Vice President & Dean of Student Affairs
Franklin & Marshall College
Pronouns: she/her