By Daniel Robillard || Investigative Reporter
On Wednesday, September 23, the Campus Climate Survey released the full report of the Campus Climate Survey conducted last year. The report, totaling more than 400 pages, provided data on the responses of more than 1,500 students, faculty, and professional staff and covered a range of topics centered around respondents’ feelings regarding the overall climate at F&M.
The College Reporter created a collection of graphics that detail some of the important findings to come out of the report.
Note: All figures were created by The College Reporter with data from “Franklin & Marshall College: Assessment of Climate for Learning, Living, and Working Final Report,” Rankin & Associates, Consulting.
Survey Demographics
The Overall Campus Climate at F&M
Students who Considered Leaving
Unwanted Sexual Experiences
Student Experience
Exclusion on Campus
Paying for F&M
Daniel Robillard is an Investigative Reporter. His email is