By Teagan Durkin || Staff Writer

On Saturday, April 8th, from 5:00 to 7:00, the Asian American Alliance hosted its second annual Night Market. Mixing community and food, marketplace and theater, fun and entrepreneurship, the Night Market opened a chance for individuals to showcase their clubs, and enjoy what others had to offer too. 

From the Choomies’ stand, the sweet smell of sugar wafted up from the dalgona as students frantically chipped out stars, squares, and circles with only a toothpick and frantic determination. F&M Film Club’s buttery popcorn drifted through the Steinman College Center, and students walked by with Vietnamese coffee clutched in hand, courtesy of the booth set up by the event’s host, the Asian American Alliance (AAA). Numerous clubs boasted a variety of different goods and treats: Mock Trial had hot chocolate; Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) displayed paintings and stickers; and Phi Kappa Sigma had Pokemon-shaped waffles, amongst a host of other offerings. However, dinner would hardly be complete without a show, and that’s just what the Choomies provided. Halfway through the Night Market, Choomies performed several sets, as music and applause rocked the CC. 

Needless to say, the Night Market was an astounding success. If your club or organization is interested in participating in the Night Market next year, keep an eye out for emails from the AAA!

Freshman Teagan Durkin is a staff writer for The College Reporter. Her email is