Diplomatic Congress diplomatic.congress@fandm.edu
Thu, Oct 15 8:52 AM

Diplomatic Congress Newsletter
Issue 1.0
Dear Students,
Happy Module 2! We wish all of you the best of luck in starting a new slate of courses and adjusting to a new schedule. It’s safe to say that our community has surpassed expectations in many ways, given that we are still afforded the opportunity to live and learn on campus. If we continue to be mindful of the commitment we made to each other through the F&M Pledge, we can keep COVID-19 cases low and maintain residential life. We’ve got this!
Diplomatic Congress has been working hard this semester on several initiatives. We wanted to take this opportunity to provide some brief updates on the issues we’ve been engaged with, as well as some information about how you can continue to stay informed about our work—and become directly involved. Below you will find the first edition of a Diplomatic Congress newsletter that we hope to issue regularly. For a higher-quality version with working hyperlinks, please view the PDF attached to this email.
As always, reach out to us at any time at diplomatic.congress@fandm.edu.
The Executive Board

Shubh Punj ’21 (he/his) – President of the Student Body
Makaila Ranges ‘22 (she/her) – Vice President of the Student Body
Zoey Pham ‘22 (she/her) – Treasurer
Ali Husaini ‘22 (he/his) – Parliamentarian
Amanda Leonard ‘22 (she/her) – Communications Director
Ayana Stuart ‘21 (she/her) – Executive Officer, Social Justice & Equity