Colleges Against Cancer is an organization that works toward collecting funds for the American Cancer Society, simultaneously spreading awareness of its mission and the way Cancer affects society as a whole. Our club meets biweekly on Tuesdays at 7:30pm! It takes a team to make an impact, and we would love for you to join us in the fight to conquer Cancer! 

Why did I join the CAC community?

I joined CAC because I wanted to raise awareness and funds for the cause, as well as help build up the F&M community. I’m very passionate about cancer awareness and research, which began in high school when I joined Mini-THON, a similar club to CAC. I wanted to put the skills I learned to good use at F&M, and CAC was a perfect way to do that! 

  • Ellie Borghi, Co-President ‘24

I joined CAC because I wanted to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society and help spread awareness. Also, I’ve had some loved ones impacted by cancer so I wanted to bring some attention to it.

  • Georgia May, Treasurer ‘24

I joined the CAC community because I wanted to continue my work in collaborating with like-minded people to raise awareness and funds for a cause that most people are affected by either directly or indirectly. In high school, one of my biggest commitments was Mini-THON, an organization very similar to Colleges Against Cancer. Being that Mini-THON was such a big part of my life for four years, I wanted to continue to make a difference at F&M. The work we do is empowering and needed! 

  • Ellie Chiaradonna, Social Media Chair ‘26 

Favorite CAC event?

My favorite CAC event was hosting a breast cancer awareness month collaboration with F&M Chabad. We were selling cotton candy in CC in support of our fundraiser and I had a great time working with everyone. Look out for more events like this in the future!

  • Maggie Connors, Secretary ‘25

My favorite CAC event was last year’s Relay for Life! For those who don’t know, Relay for Life is a school-wide event that we hold in March each year. It was so nice seeing the F&M community come together to support the American Cancer Society and I had so much fun bonding with the CAC members and executive board as we saw all of our hard work from throughout the year come to fruition. We had snacks, games, raffles, and basketball. It was so moving to be able to help run the luminaria ceremony as we honored loved ones we know impacted by cancer and to hear Jen and Pat Conley talk about their personal experience with cancer.

  • Sara Silverman, Co-President ‘25

My favorite CAC event is definitely Relay for Life. Relay for Life is our biggest event and we usually spend the majority of our year raising money to put it together. I love Relay because so many different people from campus all come together to help raise money for the American Cancer Society. Last year we had Test Drive and Dance Team perform at the event as well as two guest speakers who spoke about their experiences with cancer. To me, Relay is so moving because we are able to interact with our campus community in a way that honors those who have had experiences with cancer and raise money for cancer research. 

  • Julia Homer, Event Planning Chair ‘24

“Most meaningful memory?”

I have two memories that stick out to me as the most meaningful so far. First, during my sophomore year, we had to hold our Relay For Life event outside. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperative, and it was below-freezing and snowing on and off that day. However, we persevered, and friends and community members showed up to support us despite the cold. The other most memorable CAC memory was getting to interview my advisor and her husband at Relay For Life. Their family has been dealing with the effects of cancer firsthand, and it was a privilege to speak to them and listen to them share their story. I will never forget either of those memories! 

  • Ellie Borghi, Co-President ‘24 

One memory I have held with me in regard to CAC is the memory of listening to our guest speaker at our 2023 Relay For Life. Not only did the speaker tell a powerful experience, but he was very emotionally vulnerable with the audience. This portrayed, to all of us, the capacity to which cancer affects all aspects of the individual’s life, as well as their loved ones. Although a very saddening memory, it remains to be a memory I find so moving. 

  • Ellie Chiaradonna, Social Chair ‘26

Why should you join CAC?

CAC is such a fun and welcoming environment. Every other week the club meets to talk about fundraising opportunities, plan for Relay for Life, and talk about other ways to raise money or awareness towards cancer research. Our meetings are always so much fun and we are always joking with each other or talking about our days. I always feel so supported and comforted during our meetings. We also have some really awesome events like Relay for Life, and our collaboration with Chabad last October when we got to use a COTTON CANDY machine for one of our fundraisers! I actually had the time of my life using that machine! So if you are interested in being a part of an awesome community and helping to fight against cancer, join CAC. 

  • Julia Homer, Event Planning Chair ‘24

You should join the CAC community because of the group of people in the club. The people in this club are amazing and create such a positive environment where you are able to be yourself. While we talk about things related to the club such as Relay for Life and other events, we also are able to talk about our personal lives. If you are looking to join a tight-knit community while also raising funds for an amazing club, then you should join CAC!

  • Georgia May, Treasurer ‘24

For me, one of the most valuable aspects of joining CAC has been the community that we have created. We not only share a common passion for what the club stands for, but have also formed friendships that I know I can count on. Joining CAC has been a highlight of my time at F&M and I encourage everyone to join us!

  • Maggie Connors, Secretary ‘25

Joining Colleges Against Cancer immediately gave me a community of people with a similar passion of wanting to help those impacted by cancer. CAC has given me a space to grow as a person and as a leader in a comfortable environment. I’ve been able to form friendships with people on campus that I wouldn’t have crossed paths with otherwise and work together for an amazing cause. If you’re looking for a safe and welcoming environment, new friends, and a way to help the American Cancer Society, CAC is the place for you!

  • Sara Silverman, Co-President ‘25

Sophomore Ellie Chiaradonna is a contributing writer for The College Reporter. Her email is